02 January, 2011

To you, Waldemar...........

Br. Waldemar Weber left behind a legacy and a bunch of chocolates.  The most loved ‘naughty boy’ in our community left us today morning, leaving behind a lot of lessons to ponder, especially to me, about the capuchin way of life.
It was not a pretty good new year for him, even though he wished everyone good. He fell down from the bed and the next day he is with the Lord. He touched, witnessed, blessed, and took with him 2011. Even though he was on a wheel chair, due to the amputation of his left leg ten years earlier, he lived as an energetic friar working in the kitchen, being punctual for prayer, cracking jokes and participating in the community exercises regularly than anyone else. Needless to say, he had more attendance than me in Prayer times. He lived in the holiness of a true capuchin friar, working in the garden, kitchen and as a true brother for the community in Francis’ way. He was also a good painter. In his simplicity he glorified the Lord. He belongs to the rare breed in extinction, a prototype to Holy Father Francis. He lived, ate, drank and breathed practical franciscanism.
 To you Waldemar, we the friars are around you today singing praises to the Lord and rejoicing in the Lord in the hope of joining you one day to see the Lord face to face like you. You were a true model to us. I owe you so much the last 100 days having you near to my room. I still remember you telling me that you will be back with us in the Choir in two days, whenever I asked you, ‘when will you be back with us?’ But you never came back. Today morning I saw your wheel chair just in front of your room, but where were you? Today morning I heard only the voice of Br. Nicholaus from the Kranken Kapelle, where were you? Br. Raymund told me that Sister death had already kissed you. But when can I again push your wheel chair after the Vespers? When can I hear your murmurs at midnight from the next room? Can you once again howl calling Damasus, when we wash our dishes?  Just to remind you, your chocolates are still there in the cupboard.

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