It’s again January and the resolves come along with it. It is the time of positive aura, as the 95% of the population expect and think positive to have a very fruitful year ahead. They make promises after promises. They believe that setting goals are a great way to begin a year. Why achievement is the only thought? Do achievements alone bring satisfaction and happiness? “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”. John F Kennedy.
It is a usual scene every year ending to see depressed faces but again the same persons with hopeful bright faces with new resolutions. The new resolutions do not live more than a month usually. February is the month for every new decision to be broken and to just end up again at the year end with a dull and sad face.
But my request this year is not to set goals. There is a beauty in naturalness. Try not to ne systematic and logical. A well-planned, set life destroys the thrill and naturallity in your life. Goals are rarely achieved. More than the satisfaction, it invites sadness, depression an illness at the second quarter of the year. Avoid the depressive face all through the year by just running away from the artificial intelligent Gurus who insist on setting goals and making people to be artificially positive. Do not plan but believe in the love at first sight forms of life. Face the life as it comes.
Do you still set goals this year?
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